History of the Exhibition

History of the District Heating Days dates back to 1994 when this exhibition started in Pardubice, the seat of the companies PAREXPO, s.r.o. and EKONOX, s.r.o. and the then Working Association for Centralized Heat Supply (contemporary District Heating Association). An idea of the employees of the company PAREXPO, s.r.o. initiated inception of an exhibition with accompanying conferences we held in one place together with the company EKONOX s.r.o. and with District Heating Association of the Czech Republic.

Since 1997 the District Heating Days moved to Hradec Králové into the Congress Centre ALDIS where they stayed for 12 years. In recent 5 years the District Heating Days have travelled then around various locations of the Czech Republic.

Therefore in 2010 the District Heating Days took place in Pilsen for the first time, the following year the Czech district heating festival was celebrated in Ostrava, and also the District Heating Association celebrated – 20 years of their activity.

The Capital City of Prague received the District Heating Days in 2012 at a significant anniversary of the company Pražská teplárenská a.s., in 2013 the District Heating Days returned to Moravia, this time however to Brno, to Brno Fairground.

In 2014 we look forward to seeing you back in Hradec Králové. For the first time they took place in cooperation with the Association for Heat and Technology Suppliers.

Since 2015 the District Heating Days become a component part of the event ENERGY FORUM. The event will not be focused only on district heating any more but it will expand to other fields related to district heating and heat generation...

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