For exhibitors

Venue: Congress Centre Nové Adalbertinum, Hradec Králové
Dates of the event: 13th - 14th April 2016


Time schedule of preparations

For exhibitors Date Time
access to the grounds  12th April 2016 12.00 - 18.00
13th - 14th April 2016 8.30 - 18.00
assembly of expositions 12th April 2016 12.00 - 18.00
disassembly of expositions 14th April 2016 16.00 - 20.00
bringing in exhibits 12th April 2016 12.00 - 20.00
pick-up of exhibits 14th April 2016 15.00 - 20.00
registration of exhibitors - 1st day 12th April 2016 12.00 - 18.00
registration of exhibitors - 2nd day 13th April 2016 8.00 - 09.00
issuing of exhibitors' cards during registration  
issuing of parking passes  during registration  


Important documents for presenting firms


Opening hours of the exhibition

Day Date  Time
Wednesday 13th April 2016 9 AM - 4 PM
10.00 AM exhibition opening ceremony
Thursday 14th April 2016 9 AM - 4 PM


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